NZAPI Grower Webinar – Updates to codling moth control

Updates to codling moth control

Poor control of codling moth can increase the risk of infested fruit – though this can often be managed with appropriate insecticide selection and accurate spray timing.  Recent research that addresses codling moth control will be discussed in this webinar, reviewing some codling moth biology/phenology as well as the results from recent trials on timing and re-positioning of certain insecticides.

Presented by:  Tim Vandervoet – Plant and Food Research

Tim is an entomologist at Plant and Food Research in Hawke’s Bay and works in pest management for apples and pears. His primary focuses are codling moth management and preparedness for brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB). Tim works to improve market access through improved codling moth control, and enjoys working with industry and grower partners to reach these goals.


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